home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, July 12, 2024 - Page 65 of 105 - << previous page : next page >>
4:16pm - Onboard and ready to play, so a 14 minute wait.  I miss the single rider queue.
4:16pm - Onboard and ready to play, so a 14 minute wait. I miss the single rider queue. Click to switch to large image view
My score after the Western Town but before the final mine shaft portion
My score after the Western Town but before the final mine shaft portion Click to switch to large image view
The final game did not work. The projections were off and pulling the trigger fired only a  handful of darts.  So my score did not change much.
The final game did not work. The projections were off and pulling the trigger fired only a handful of darts. So my score did not change much. Click to switch to large image view